KIMSUN Vape Mail

Seven Report welcomes a new review product supplier, KIMSUN. KIMSUN is the international brand of KIMREE, a company that’s been making vaping devices since 2006.

The first product KIMSUN has sent for review is the STL Wolf Starter Kit. It’s packaged with the 1100 mAh STL Wolf battery, a 2.0ml capacity C-Tank Plus with a 0.2 ohm coil installed and a spare coil. It also comes with a micro USB charging cable and owner’s manual.

KimSun STL Wolf officialThe STL Wolf is available in silver, red, green, gold and black. The KIMSUN website lists the STL Wolf for $29.00.

In the next day or two I’ll post a First Look at the KIMSUN STL Wolf, going over some of the specs, filling it with ejuice and taking a first vape. Then I’ll use it for about a week of extensive vaping and come back with a full, in-depth review. If you follow Seven Report on Twitter or Facebook you’ll find out that way when those posts are live.


You can get more information about and order the KIMSUN STL Wolf here.

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